Speaking Topics

  1. What is Quantum Psychology
  2. Quantizing Logic
  3. Quantum Psychology of Nots
  4. Schizophrenia and Quantum Logic
  5. Demonstration of Physics of Tao™
  6. A Quantum Psychological Approach to Translations and Rotations of Mental Representations
  7. Primary processes and "Is there a quantum UNConsciousness?"
  8. Psychospinors: Part I, the classical case & Part II, the quantum case.
  9. From genuine stupidity logic to quantum psychology as response to Pribram’s classical hologram hypothesis. BASED UPON Invited paper for proposed symposium, on the "Bohm-Pribram ‘holonomic theory of perception’" Tuscany, Italy.
  10. Depth Poetry: Affecting Beyond Words
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  • Examples of Past and Future Topics

    1. What is Quantum Psychology

    In this talk, Eddie Oshins provides a brief overview of his Quantum Psychology Project®. Eddie describes how he created his "Genuine Stupidity Logic" model in the mid-1970s as a new scientific model for psychology in order to reconcile arguments in the psychological literature about schizophrenia as a logical phenomena. Due to his having cited a mathematical paper by improsoned Soviet scientist Yuri Orlov on "group theory" and "logic" in a paper of his own on schizophrenia, Eddie was subsequently called upon to serve as the scientific representative and editor for Orlov's similar "wave logic" model. Eddie relates how he was led to coin the term "quantum psychology" in 1982 to describe this class of science in order to distinguish his own quantum effort from Orlov's nonquantum approach. Next, Eddie describes what he means by quantum psychology being a "scientific model." Finally, Eddie describes why he believes quantum psychology is important to international cooperation between differing cultures.

    2. Quantizing Logic

    Oshins' quantization of logic is contrasted to Spencer-Brown's imaginary valued resolution for self-referential paradoxes. Spencer-Brown's "Calculus of Indications" is shown to be a 2-chain characteristic function.The standard Varela/Kauffman generalization into the "Extended Calculus of Indications" is shown to be a 3-chain characteristic function (i.e., the simplest example of Zadeh's "fuzzy logic" depicting an n-chain characteristic function). Such fuzzy logics are non-complemented and distributive. The quantization of logic leads to a matrix representation of Spencer-Brown's imaginary valued approach. Its generalization into quaternions operating upon a projective spinor basis is shown to provide for an orthocomplemented, nondistributive lattice (first introduced for physical degrees of freedom by von Neumann). A spectral decomposition of fuzzy logic also is provided. The fuzzy logic is completed and 'clarified' into a nonfuzzy, orthonormal basis. A fuzzy to orthocomplement transformation is introduced, and the Schwinger quantization procedure is described and applied to such fuzzy matrices. Oshins' "Principle of Metalogical Ambiguity" is made explicit as the proper alternative to the classical distributive law. How Oshins' approach harmonizes previously thought to be controversy about the logical nature of schizophrenia is briefly described.

    3. Quantum Psychology of Nots

    In this talk Eddie Oshins describes how he was led to construct his quantum psychology model of experience. Emphasizing that quantum psychology (Q-y) is not an application of quantum physics to psychology, Eddie believes that he may have discovered quantum physics within psychology. Currently a visiting scholar in Stanford's department of physics 1, Eddie was led to modify aspects from areas of artificial intelligence, known as fuzzy logic and laws of form, in order to resolve controversy in the psychological literature about schizophrenia as a logical phenomena. The conflict engaged by Eddie involves the intrapsychic school of von Domarus and Arieti, which viewed schizophrenia as a syllogistic deficit, e.g. "I am a virgin. The Virgin Mary was a virgin. Thus, I am the Virgin Mary."; and the communications school of Bateson and others who advanced a theory of metalogical disconfirmation, known as double binds.

    By postulating operational principles of irreducible ambiguity and of metalogical complementarity, Eddie will describe how he was able to reconcile these opposing approaches into a single coherent framework which accommodates both the subjective logic of intrapsychic "primary processes" and the paradoxical, metalogic of double binds.

    In the early part of this century the mathematician John von Neumann created a "quantum logic" model in order to represent the logical structure of quantum physics. Von Neumann showed that the characteristics which distinguish the more general framework of quantum physics from that of classical physics involve weakening the distributive law of set theory and classical logic. This led to the creation of the mathematics of lattice theory by von Neumann and Garret Birkhoff and to their characterization of the experimental propositions of physics in terms of the inner automorphisms (as symmetries) of the projective geometry of subspaces of an abstract Hilbert space. Eddie believes that the equivocation processes found in primary process syllogisms can also be viewed as violations of the distributive law, which he replaced by his principle of irreducible, operational ambiguity.

    Geometric descriptions of three images of negation as they are used in quantum models will be presented:

    • a notion of exclusion which involves the rejection of one system by another;
    • a notion of complementarity of contraries which involves competing, linearly dependent constructs within a system;
    • and a notion of opposition and contradiction, described in terms of orthogonality.

    Pointing out that his own quantum psychology seems to have the same formal structure as quantum logic, Eddie proposes that they may be different aspects of the same model. This has led him to suggest specific physical processes which could underlie certain psychological phenomena.

    Eddie suggests three benefits of the quantum psychology approach:

    • As a critical theory, Q-y offers a quantum parallel processing model that is distinguishable from classical parallel processing models such as McCulloch-Pitts type, classical neural nets, which are based on set theory; and from former Stanford Professor Karl Pribram's hologram hypothesis, which is a classical wave model of classical waves. Quantum psychology provides explicit criteria for discriminating between these models;
    • As a formal theory, Q-y's theorems allow for understanding the formal processes underlying the development of Piaget's stage of operational thought. As an example, Eddie points out a theorem by G. Fáy which shows how imposing a type of serialization upon the quantum lattice forces it to become classical; and
    • As an empirical model, Q-y operationalizes notions from metapsychology into decideable experiments. As an example, Eddie will use a conjecture by David Finkelstein to describe a type of synchronization which is necessary to code negation in physical information and will suggest that such experimental findings could lead to important understanding of the development of consciousness and of classical thought.

    1 Oshins used to be a visiting scholar with Stanford's department of psychology and with SLAC.

    4. Schizophrenia and Quantum Logic

    Several "competing" schools of thought that attempt to describe schizophrenic cognition as a logical phenomenon will be presented (e.g., Von Domarus/Arieti/Boyd Principle of Identification of Predicates; Bateson et al, Double Bind Theory; Matte Bianco's Principle of Symmetry). The "apparent" controversy will be discussed.

    Visual tools and models will be developed to visually depict the structuring and ordering relations between concepts that admit empirical, distinguishable resolution. Some variant logics and some psychological phenomena will be illustrated and discussed. We will look at some of the differences involved. Particular emphasis will be made on differences between a (non-distributive) quantum logic and the special distributive case of classical logic. Some psychological support for what Eddie Oshins originally referred to as his Genuine Stupidity Logic paradigm will be mentioned (e.g. Pribram's Holographic of Coherence Hypothesis of distributed memory storage, Shepard's Mental Rotations, Bernstein's motion impletion studies, von von Békésy's neuronal superpositions).

    Some history of Quantum Logic will be summarized. Certain distinctive interpretations from Yuri Orlov's "Wave Logic of Consciousness" will be mentioned. The Double Bind Theory of Schizophrenia will be contrasted with an Orlovian Doubt State. Eddie will attempt to distinguish between the two based upon the locus of control over the representational frame of the discriminator (concept former). His model attempts to interpret the former as precipitous of pathogenic ambivalence and the latter as allowing for the ambiguity that permits creativity.

    A unified characterization of the phenomenon of schizophrenia will be put forth. The role of uncertainty relations, whereby one construct restricts the availability of another, will be discussed. Some speculation as to neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms will be put forth. The direction will be toward a synaptic hyperpolarization/depolarization impairment in the ability to form stable coherent, irreducible images (such as "To be or not to be" in distinction to "I am and I am not") - bound cathexis. The "controversy" will be clarified.

    5. Demonstration of Physics of Tao™

    Eddie Oshins presents a new postnarrative understanding of psychology, symbology and physics.

    Eddie's talk draws from his interests in ancient Chinese symbolism, in areas from 20th century quantum physics, and in his own work in quantum psychology to evolve story into symbol and finally into science.

    It is said that during the legendary period of China, the first legendary Emperor, Fu Hsi, introduced a system of 8 trigrams (baqua/pa kua), or triplets of solid and broken lines, as an archetypal tool for representing patterns of change in Nature. Pairs of such trigrams were later systematized into hexigrams. These became the basis of the famous "oracle system" known as the I Ching (Chou I).

    Soon after creating the binary number system (used in modern day computers), Leibniz found out about this ancient symbolism and attributed the origination of the binary numbers to the Chinese. In addition to their usage as oracles or as representations of patterns of Nature, these symbols were precursors to a school of health systems, mind exercises and martial arts known collectively as neigong/noi kung (the "inner" or "internal" school of "shaddow boxing"). The most well known of these esoteric skills are taijiquan/t'ai chi chuan ("grand pinnacle" boxing), hsing-i chuan ("form of mind/will/intent" boxing), and baquazhang/pa kua chang ("8 trigrams palm" [boxing]).

    In this talk, Eddie will give a short history of the above concepts and, in light of some work he has been developing in his Quantum Psychology Project®, he will propose a new reinterpretation of these symbols. He will demonstrate mathematical aspects, such as the consequent "orientation-entanglement relation" and the Kauffman-Oshins "quanternionic arm." Eddie will use these concepts to illustrate his notion of "self-referential motion," and relate such understanding to both gongfu (kung-fu) and psychology.

    Eddie's new interpretations open up new ways of exploring certain psychological data. In particular, Eddie will discuss the pioneering work by Roger N. Shepard on "mental rotations" in cognitive imagery, and that by A.P. Georgopoulos' in his "population vector" interpretation of neurophysiological data associated with mental rotation tasks. Eddie will describe his own classical, "psycho-turn"/"psycho-spinor" hypothesis for mental rotations and how it could be empirically distinguished from Georgopoulos' proposal.

    Eddie will also describe how his quantum psychology approach to postnarrative science™ differs from Stephen H. Wolinsky's postmodern approach to quantum psychology as if a therapeutic metaphor. In particular, he will differentiate between the Pribram hologram understanding of quantum physics, which is mere classical physics, and his own quantum psychology alternative. Eddie will then make a related suggestion of how a modification of the pioneering work by von Békésy on neuronal superpositions could be used to demonstrate quantum "psycho-turns"/"psycho-spinors".

    6. A Quantum Psychological Approach to Translations and Rotations of Mental Representations

    In this seminar, Eddie Oshins will introduce some reasons for believing that people have quantum realizations of certain psychological phenomena and what it might mean to address these questions from a scientific perspective.

    Eddie will first provide a brief introduction to why and how he began to develop a quantum logic approach to psychology in the 1970's in order to represent a type of concept degeneracy attributed to schizophrenic reasoning. Then, he will discuss the von Neumann interpretation of quantum theory as a non-distributive lattice. The Stern-Gerlach experiment will be used as an example of a such non-classical logical experience.

    Eddie will overview his "synaptic spanning" model for the human processing of physical information which is formally based upon the Schwinger measurement algebra. Schwinger's selecting/non-selecting measurement paradigm will be suggested as a means for coding fundamental ambiguities of experience, such as Yuri Orlov's "doubt states," within his "wave logic" approach to psychology. Translations and rotations will be realized as spectral shifts of projection-valued measures generated by Schwinger Type I and Type II observables.

    The quantum psychology model will be contrasted with classical set theoretic descriptions such as can be found in "Boolean" black box models of "synaptic summation" and in hologram-like interference models of "synaptic superposition." Differences will be addressed (1) between classical set theoretic structures and quantum space theoretic structures, (2) between classical wave equations and quantum ray representations, and (3) between Poisson brackets and commutator brackets.

    Eddie will then review some experimental data pertaining to the perception of translational and rotational degrees of freedom: (1) Bernstein's Fourier decomposition of translational motion study, (2) Lashley's ablation-memory studies, (3) von von Békésy's neuronal superposition study, (4) Shepard's mental rotation studies, (5) N.Y.U.'s S.Q.U.I.D. (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), and (6) his own description of self-referential motion associated with certain Chinese "internal" martial arts and other meditative motions.

    Eddie will demonstrate that I have classical spinorial properties through the double covering of the rotation group exhibited in the relative orientation-entanglement relation of part of myself with respect to the rest of myself. The necessity of a solid object or impenetrable region of space for representing the SU(2) symmetry of such classical "finite size spinors" will be contrasted with ordinary rotations SO(3) of classical rigid objects. The difference between classical spinors which realize a continuous infinity of intermediary position and quantum spinors which realize the virtual symmetry structure of an elementary quantum dichotomy will be discussed. Eddie will finally describe and propose a psychological Aharanov-Susskind-Bernstein effect such as a reversal of spinorial, virtual brain current activity as a consequence of relative self-rotation by 2p.

    As time and interest permit, Eddie will be open to discussing such other possible empirical consequences of a quantum psychology approach as chiral superpositions, ray representations, unitary inversions, and (non-metric, negationless) relativistic quantum logic and the search for prerequisites to consciousness. Other possible topics could include (1) some evolutionary and developmental consequences to this work, (2) Orlov's word association tests, (3) differences between the quantum logic approach and "fuzzy logic" or "laws of form" logic, and (4) philosophical implications of the quantum metalogic such as in resolving "the liar's paradox."

    7. Primary processes and "Is there a quantum UNConsciousness?"

    8. Psychospinors: Part I, the classical case & Part II, the quantum case.

    9. From genuine stupidity logic to quantum psychology as response to Pribram’s classical hologram hypothesis. BASED UPON Invited paper for proposed symposium, on the "Bohm-Pribram ‘holonomic theory of perception’" Tuscany, Italy.

    10. Depth Poetry: Affecting Beyond Words

    In this talk Eddie Oshins will present an introduction to some classical approaches to representing mind/brain. This will include an overview of the McCulloch-Pitts "all-or-none" neural net model from the neurosciences and its identification with equivalent artificial intelligence models of "Turing automata", Church's "lamda-defin- ability", and Kleen's primitive "recursiveness". Then, Eddie will discuss inherent inadequacies of classical models of the "langauge of concepts", such as these, for representing certain types of ambiguities that are experienced in Nature. Eddie will also mention a form of maximalness of simultaneously available information content that can be found within natural phenoma.

    A "quantum logic approach" will be proposed as a "language of experience". This kind of "natural framework" offers a realization of these types of ambiguities and incompletenesses. Eddie will suggest that quantum logic can be viewed as a contextual metalogic and as a realization of the kinestic and paralanguage that is important for appreciation and is found in non-verbal communication, in primary process thinking, and in "endoceptual" imagery. As a representational tool, which can be likened to a method for viewing geometric symmetries and physical regularities, this approach can be used to explore the structures, patterns, and transformations that are empirically found within logic and language. Eddie will mention psychological findings by Bernsteein on translational symmetries and by Shepard on Rotational symmetries.

    As an alternative to Shannon's classical, information theoretic assertion that English language crossword puzzles are impossible in more than 2 dimensions, Eddie will show how he uses over-lays in order to make 3 dimensional poetry --- "depth poetry" --- by allowing for semantic and syntactic ambiguities. He will suggest a participative exercise derived from the work of R.E. Samples.

    Drawing upon a quantum approach to cognitive processes, which was initiated by himself (and subsequently by Yuri Orlov), and upon the psychoanalytic work of Freud and Arieti, Eddie will briefly present some of his views on roles of ambiguity in aestetics and art, in creativity, and in psychopathology.

    Representative Presentations

    Quantizing Logic. Presented June 21, 1999 at Biological Sciences Symposium, AAAS: Pacific Division, 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 19 – 23, 1999.

    Reality IS: Disconstructivism not with standing. MRI invited talk, April 23, 1996

    Scientific rights and human responsibilities: misrepresentationalism and the power of documentable data, invited April 2, 1994, talk at 90th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers on panel: Suppression of Innovative Thought, Chapter Two: A Cross-Disciplinary Discussion, MRI.TAPE.1994/Q-Y.03b.3b; and presented as luncheon talk, "Double binds, doubt states, and the Stalinization of science," November 8, 1994, Mental Research Institute.

    The experience of nature from Anaximander’s apeiron to Oshins’ quantum psychology, invited March 30, 1994, talk at 90th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers on panel: Relativism I, Roots and Varieties of Relativism in Human Studies; MRI.TAPE.1994/Q-Y.03a.1.

    Technical Comments on Quantum Psychology and the Metalogic of Second Order Change. February 21, 1994. MRI.TAPE.1994/Q-y.03c.1.

    Why fuzzy quantum logic is an oxymoron. Presented 2/14/93 at ANPA West-9 meeting, Stanford University. MRI.TAPE.1993/Q-y.02a.

    Wing chun kung fu’s "bong sau/tan sau" and the Kauffman/Oshins quaternionic arm. Presented 2/14/93 at ANPA West-9 meeting, Stanford University. MRI.TAPE.1993/Q-y.02b.

    A test for classical psychospinors. Presented at XIV International meeting of Alternative Natural Philosophy Association (ANPA), 9/6/92, Cambridge UK.

    What is Quantum Psychology & Why I am NOT a Computer! Invited Luncheon Presentation at the Mental Research Institute August 18, 1992. MRI.TAPE.1992/Q-y.08.1

    Interacting with John Weakland: from Marlboros to monkeys! luncheon talk presented at the Mental Research Institute. Feb. 15, 1994. MRI.TAPE.1994/Q-y.03a.

    A fuzzy matrix realization of the Brown-Varela-Kauffman calculus for self-reference. Presented 2/17/91 at 7th annual ANPA West meeting, Stanford University MRI.TAPE.1991/Q-y.02.1.

    Why Brown’s Laws of form and Pribram’s "hologram hypothesis" are NOT relevant to quantum physics and quantum psychology. Paper presented & discussed at 12th Intl. ANPA meeting, Cambridge, Eng., Sept. 13, 1990.

    Quantum psychology and future directions. Invited paper presented on panel, The future of scientific psychology, Jan. 15, 1989, AAAS annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

    Noi kung: topology of movement and perception. Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, Feb. 21, 1988. MRI.TAPE.1988/Q-y.02.1.

    Quantum psychology looks at Kelly's constructs. Poster session presented to 7th international congress on personal construct psychology, August 5-9, 1987, Memphis, TN. Stanford Physics Department document: Tecp. # 5831/9-1-87.

    A Quantum Psychological Approach to Translations and Rotations of Mental Representations, or "Do I Realize a Quantum Spinor?" Department of Psychology Stanford University, October 30, 1986.

    The physics of Tao™: representations of nature, from Fu Hsi's trigrams (pa kua) to quantum psychology. C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, January 9, 1987 and March 21, 1986.

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